Something’s Bothering Me

I’ve had inexplicable anxious feelings for as long as I can remember, but they got worse after Dad died. Knowing I’ll never get another chance to fix things with him leaves me feeling perpetually Bothered. That’s a hard pill to swallow for someone like me.

Giving Dad Away, Piece by Piece

First, my sister has to give up Dad’s computer, then we both sell his vacant land that serves no purpose to us, and now I have given my dad’s truck to another man. I know Dad is gone now, and he has no use for these material things, but it still feels like I’m giving him away, piece by piece.

the Search for Enlightenment

For a brief period, I was a social drinker no more, boldly walking to oblivion’s edge. Like a fool, I peered into the inky abyss that had consumed my dad, expecting to see a pair of mismatched eyes looking back up at me. I was desperate to figure him out, and nothing I was doing (at the time) was working.

the Secret Language of Fear

Until we reveal our unconscious behaviors to ourselves, we’re likely to persist in repeating the same harmful patterns. In order to heal from our trauma, we have to know ourselves completely.

why am I doing this?

I want to give my dad’s senseless death meaning. He was a good man who didn’t deserve what happened to him, and if his story or mine can make a difference in someone else’s life, then maybe one day I’ll be able to get some sleep at night.

Willcome home, Uncle Bubba

I oughta thank my mom’s brother, Troy, not any luck-filled stars, for teaching our family how to use a camcorder in the 90s.

more writing goodies

A few of my favorite descriptive quotes from books I’ve read over the years —